Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 1 Discussion 1

Unit 1 Discussion 1

Q Review two websites that focus on one key idea from the Unit's key ideas assignment. Each student will review the websites for information that helps them better understand the course text or clarifies one of the key idea discussions. Websites can include a range of media including videos or other media in addition to text. However, not all websites are created equal. Websites like Wikipedia, while covering a large amount of information, are not peer reviewed for accuracy. Other websites, such as blogs, are politically slanted and also not peer reviewed. These sites can be useful to understand political viewpoints, but they should be evaluated with a careful eye. As you review the websites, you should evaluate them for two elements. First, students should clarify what content from the readings on the key idea the website adds to or clarifies. Proper execution of this element requires students to cite, using APA style, the portion of the readings that each website addresses. Second, students should discuss the merits of the websites, including the credibility of the website (or website author if using an article) as a source for administrative law. One method of evaluating the merits of the websites is the E-A-R method of evaluation (Harris, 2005, 38-39). In this methodology, the researcher first looks at the expertise of the author. Second, examine the accuracy of the source. Is the information correct? Is it current? Students should select at least one website each week that represents a credible source of current information for addressing the key idea. The second website may be an example of a less than credible source (i.e., politically biased, not current, etc.) but if students select this path they should substantively address the weaknesses of the source and not just include an opinion of why the website is not reliable. Other similar techniques are available to evaluate internet sources. It is important to evaluate sources because many students believe that the sources they find on the internet are acceptable for use in scholarly works. We know this is not true. Students must be critical of information. That means evaluating and understanding the information you collect before you use it.

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The websites are the source of information for various topics. When a subject has to be researched, the websites help the researcher to get information about the topic. Some points have to be considered before taking data for the website. It is essential to check whether the website is credible